Chen's Village Mansion

Location: Yandangshan, China 
Floor Area: 510sqm
Status: Completed (Building - 2018, ID - 2019)

This project comes with an interesting site constraint due to its location on a narrow but long stretch of land wedged between two buildings. The five-storey house is designed with a large atrium in the centre, allowing natural lighting and improved air circulation to flow through the house. And due to the country geographical location and building regulations, all bedrooms and living space are designed and layout on the southern end of the building to receive the maximum sunshine. The interior is designed to have a modern light industrial aesthetic resembling the owners’ idea and preference.

*Project in collaboration with Hangzhou Zhonghan Architecture Design Co. Ltd.


Tiantai Shifengxi Cultural and Leisure Showroom - 天台县始丰溪文化休闲项目样板房方案


Director Lin Apartment - 林局长家