China Cosmetic Experience Shopping Avenue

Location: Huzhou, China
Plot Size: 10,500sqm
Built-Up Area: 11,500sqm
Status: Design Development (2020)

In response to the China government notion to create purposeful and beautiful village development, the town of Daixi had reinvented itself as the center for cosmetic products production and promotion. Thus a small hill at the entrance gateway to Daixi town was developed into a hill park where a research laboratory, office buildings, a museum and our shopping avenue were constructed at the peripheral of the hill park. Taking into consideration of the natural greenery and its steep terrain, we had integrated the building into the landscape thus mitigating the damage to the existing nature while giving the visitors a visual illusion of an extended nature landscape.

*Project in collaboration with Hangzhou Zhonghan Architecture Design Co. Ltd.


Taihang Mountain Tourist Centre - 山西·长治中太行山旅游景区